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32 A / 15 kW / 11 kW
Switching program
Additional main contacts/modules
main contact N-contact N-module PE-module
Additional auxiliary contactor
normally close contact
normally open contact
1 pole
1 pole
1 pole
1 pole
1 pole
1 pole
1 pole
1 pole
1 pole, spring return to ON position
1 pole, spring return to left
1 pole with spring return to center
1 pole with spring return from left to center
1 pole, without jumpers
1 pole, without jumpers
1 pole, without jumpers
1 pole, without jumpers
1 pole, without jumpers
1 pole, without jumpers
1 pole, without jumpers, spring return to centre
1 pole, overlapping contacts
2 directions
2 directions, phase continuously under load
2 speeds, single winding
2 speeds, single winding
2 gangs, 1 pole
2 gangs, 2 pole
2 gangs, 3 pole
2 steps, 1 pole
2 steps, 2 pole
2 steps, 3 pole
2 steps, 4 pole
2 steps, 5 pole
2 steps, 6 pole
2 separate windings
4 auxiliary contacts
2 pole
2 pole
2 pole
2 pole
2 pole
2 pole
2 pole
2 pole
2 pole, complete rotation
2 pole, spring return to left
2 pole with spring return to center
2 pole with spring return from left to center
2 pole, without jumpers
2 pole, without jumpers
2 pole, without jumpers, spring return to centre
2 pole, overlapping contacts
3 speeds, 1+2 Dahlander
3 speeds, 3+4 Dahlander
3 speeds, 3+4 Dahlander
3 gangs, 1 pole
3 gangs, 2 pole
3 gangs, 3 pole
3 steps, 1 pole
3 steps, 1 pole
3 steps, 1 pole without jumpers
3 steps, 2 pole
3 steps, 2 pole
3 steps, 2 pole without jumpers
3 steps, 3 pole
3 steps, 3 pole
3 steps, 4 pole
3 steps, 4 pole
3 steps, 5 pole
3 steps, 5 pole
3 steps, 6 pole
3 pole
3 pole
3 pole
3 pole
3 pole
3 pole
3 pole
3 pole, complete rotation
3 pole, complete rotation
3 pole, spring return to left
3 pole with spring return to center
3 pole with spring return from left to center
3 pole, without jumpers
3 pole, without jumpers
3 pole with N terminals
3 pole with N/PE terminals
3 pole with spring return
3 pole, overlapping contacts
4 steps, 1 pole
4 steps, 1 pole
4 steps, 1 pole without jumpers
4 steps, 2 pole
4 steps, 2 pole
4 steps, 2 pole without jumpers
4 steps, 3 pole
4 steps, 3 pole
4 steps, 4 pole
4 steps, 4 pole
4 steps, 5 pole
4 steps, 6 pole
4 pole
4 pole
4 pole
4 pole
4 pole
4 pole
4 pole, 3 pole early make/late break
4 pole, 1 pole early make/late break
4 pole, without jumpers
4 pole, overlapping contacts
5 steps, 1 pole
5 steps, 1 pole
5 steps, 2 pole
5 steps, 2 pole
5 steps, 3 pole
5 steps, 3 pole
5 steps, 4 pole
5 pole
5 pole
5 pole
5 pole, 3 pole early make/late break
6 steps, 1 pole
6 steps, 1 pole
6 steps, 2 pole
6 steps, 2 pole
6 steps, 3 pole
6 steps, 3 pole
6 pole
6 pole
6 pole
6 pole
6 pole, 2 auxiliary contacts
7 steps, 1 pole
7 steps, 1 pole
7 steps, 2 pole
7 steps, 2 pole
7 steps, 3 pole
7 pole
7 pole
7 pole
7 pole
8 steps, 1 pole
8 steps, 1 pole
8 steps, 2 pole
8 steps, 3 pole
8 pole
8 pole
8 pole
8 pole
8 pole, 2 pole early make/late break
9 steps, 1 pole
9 steps, 1 pole
9 pole
9 pole
9 pole
10 steps, 1 pole
10 steps, 1 pole
10 pole
10 pole
10 pole
11 steps, 1 pole
11 steps, 1 pole
11 pole
11 pole
12 steps, 1 pole
12 pole
12 pole
12 pole
BCD code 0-9
BCD code 0-9 + complement
BCD code 0-9 complement
Binary code 0-7 + complement
Binary code 0-11
Binary code 0-11 + complement
Binary code 0-7
Binary code 0-7 complement
Series-gang Switches, 2 gangs, 1 pole
Series-gang Switches, 2 gangs, 2 pole
Series-gang Switches, 2 gangs, 3 pole
Series-parallel Switches, 2 gangs, 2 pole
Standard 1 pole
Contact closed in OFF/STOP
Reversing Star-Delta Switches
Reversing Multi-Speed Switches
single winding contactor
for use with contactor
single winding-contactor control
motor voltage control switch
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